Saturday, November 13, 2010

Food Truck

Every Wednesday night at Irvine Lanes food trucks are there to serve hungry people so tasty food!!!
If you yelp you will know this FAMOUS lady next to me... Anita Lau. She is the #1 yelp on Southern Cali. Man, she is good!!!
She knows so much about food!!! Her son is amazing too, know whats good to eat and whats not!

Happy~~~ Thanks to Andy's camera!!!

I got no idea what we order here... stir fry beef, onion, french fries and white rice on the side... mmn.. Taste okie~

Yakisoba Dog... Hot dog with Yakisoba on the top $5...
The hot dog taste very similar like Pink's Hot Dog


Anita Lau said...

you made my day posting this! it's my birthday :) thank you!

Happy Angel said...

wowowow same bady as my mom... no wonder... both of you two know what's good to eat!!! Happy Belated Birthday!