Sunday, January 20, 2008

Smithsonian National Zoological Park

Jan. 10, 2008 4 crazy girls finally went out again! We are so used to just staying at Tammy's family room wearing our PJ and watching scary movies. Going out is a very hard things for us 4 crazy girls. This time we went to Smithsonian National Zoological Park.
The moment we exit out the subway station we noticed it's raining~ Right, When we finally decided to go out it start raining... Our walk from the station to the zoo is like forever~ All four of us was about to head back to the subway station after maybe 5 mins walk but we didn't. Our goal today was to see the PANDAS!

We went to see Giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian. Tian Tian is the male one and Mei Xiang is the pretty girl. When we saw them we were excited but they don't seem to care for us. But the panda got all excited when one lady came walk not far from us carrying a basket. That lady was yelling so loud, we weren't sure what she was yelling but all the sudden the panda came running towards her. She is pandas care giver!!! She was there to bring the panda some goodies~~~ Fruit popsicle. Oh, my god today is super cold, around 40 degree raining too, and she is giving them popsicle. But Pandas were eating happily~ Mei Xiang got a small popsicle and eat like a little lady. As for Tian Tian he got a huge popsicle and when he eats he bite into the ice. We also see other cute animals at the Zoo but due to heavy rain and cold weather, we didn't take too much photos. Plus we just want to go home, eat and rest like a lazy pig.

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