Sunday, January 10, 2010

Seafood Fest~

I love oysters... Hong loves oysters... 2 dozen is never enough when we visit the Boiling Crabs. Well, Toan mentioned to us that we can go to the Boiling Crab and buy 100 unshocked oysters for $50. Sweet Deal!!! Normally @ the restaurant it's $14 for 1 dozen... We ordered a BOX of oysters and 3 live crabs. While the boys are opening up the oysters Hong was busy cooking the crabs. 2 steamed and 1 satue... Man, the Satue one was super super good! I wish I asked Hong to Satue all 3 crabs...

Oh, I totally forgot about my BBQ Piegons... They are good too but no one dare to eat it except me! YUM~ Wish we can eat like this every weekend~ Mmn, what kinda fest should we have next weekend?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Mystery Bags

Went to Mitsuwa supermarket this early morning! Mom must go to Mitsuwa Jan. 1st of every year cuz they would give out free gift to the first 100 customers. This year its the year of Tiger to Mitsuwa gave us Tiger deocration. Super cute!!! Along with the free gift I bought two mystery bags!!! Its $20 each bag but the gifts inside worth way more than $20 dollar! Take a look at all the gifts I got from the two bags! Amazing happy~ Best part about it is that everything is made in JAPAN too!!!! I gotta show off to others who missed out the chance~ I will be back again next year! Happy New Year!

Cute white tigers from Mitsuwa market!

While taking photos of my myster bags and gifts Tuck wanna be in the photo too!
He is great, knows how to pose for the camera.

See see see... so much gifts for $40 dollars!

Shea butter creams, lotion, socks, razors, masks, shampoo, makeup remover cottons.. so much things~
air freshner for the frig, air frshner for the car, face cleanser, shampoo, body wash, two big bottles of hot spring spa mix, nail filers, hair band, and etc... So good!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

迎曙光 早安! 20010~

早安! 20010~

大家的跨年夜是怎麼度過的?我呢?還是選擇在家裡度過。不過當看到好友要去看日出時,實在也好心動,可是..........厚~我可能爬得起來?靈機一動,看日出何必出 門?明天一早如果天氣好的話,躺在家裡就可以看日出啦~ 清晨6點多就自動醒了,望望窗外還只是一片灰濛濛的!

6:20am View from my patio... Sun is coming out!!!

6:20am... The moon is still up~

6:40am the Sky is getting brighter!

Good Bye Moon... See ya tonight~