Friday, April 4, 2008

Another Year Old~~~

Today is my birthday~~~ Not telling you how old I am now~

No party this year~ hahaha really no party this year~~~
Maybe I'll have a birthday party next year~

I had to work today but it was an easy working day for me!
My boss even let me go an hour earlier!!! wahahahaha

Tommy and I went to see Flamenco Dance Show and Dinner tonight.
El Cid (
This place is extremely famous and popular 40 years ago.
Now it's a little run down but the food was extrellent!
Sorry forgot to take pictures of the food~~~

Monica, my co-worker, baked the cookies for me!!!
It's really good! Lucky loves it too!
She even made a piece with Lucky's name on it!!!
Just for Lucky~~~

My gift, ballon, and flower from Tommy~

My cake~~~ I didn't want big 8" cakes~~~
I been eating cakes all week at OCTA


Lini. said...

the-cakes-look-so-yummy... *monotone*

Anonymous said...

Angel- ## years old, stuck in a body of a ## year old, with a mind of a ## year old. LOL