Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Supatra's Thai Food

Found this restaurant by accident. My intern and I went out for a site visit one day and decided to eat something before heading back to the office. With the help of her internet phone & yelp.com we came here. This restaurant is located at a typical strip mall with typical exterior. Inside is pretty fancy tho. (Srprised~) I just ordered a Veggie Pad Thai and my intern ordered ginger chicken or something. Both meals came with soup or salad… soup soup please~ The soup looked kinda spicy and gross when the waitress brought it over to me. I didn’t wanna try it til my intern said it’s pretty good and it’s not spicy. Yup, she was right…it’s GOOD!

Typical strip mall rest.

Interior...pretty fancy

They even have a bar too!

Funky looking soup... looks spicy and gross but it was really good~

Veggie Pad Thai - tasted so so... a bit too sweet for my intern and I

Ginger chicken w/veggies - this dish is very good!!!! Spicy and flavorfull~

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hey Angel, it's Catherine Yu here. Hope you don't mind that I followed your gchat to your blog. NOt trying to be creepy though.

Hey this restaurant is in Yorba Linda! I recognized it right away. When were you here? Give me a call next time when you're in this area!

I know OCTA is working on a shuttle route through Yorba Linda, from the Savi Ranch area to the train stations in Fullerton or Anaheim. Is that what you're working on?