Friday, February 12, 2010

Japanese American National Museum

Thanks for Target, I am able to visit the Japanese museum for FREE! I been to California for over 20 years but never been inside this museum. Sadly no photo at all inside the museum. This museum talks about how the first and second generation Japanese lived in California. The first & second generation went throught the War. The museum is very neat but small~

The museum was offering kids free cupcakes... Lucky me, they offered me the cupcake too!
Cupcake made from Dainty Cakes...mmn, I gotta say Sprinkles is much better!

Me and my free cupcakes~The whipcream on the top is very tasty~

Japanese American National Museum
369 East First Street
Los Angeles California 90012
phone: (213) 625-0414

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thanks for coming to JANM. The museum was only small because we are inbetween exhibitions. Our next exhibition will be opening next weekend and another one will be opening in March. Hope to see you again!
